Although computers started as number crunchers, they had their side in gaming and multimedia too. People developed dedicated gaming stations with heavy graphic processors and many dedicated computers to help them in designing along with various applications for simulating various structures like sky scrapers , weather predictions etc.,. Yet a computer tried and succeeded to certain extent to replace pen and paper and also allowing various artists to show their arts to the world easily with a fantastic canvas which allows him to correct the mistake he made just with a couple of clicks in no time.
Fractal is an art different from this art which uses computers number crunching ability to the maximum extent possible to generate amazing images without much effort. Fractals have a self-similar property when subdivided into parts. Each resembles a reduced-size copy of the whole. Fractals are the images generated out of a set of nonlinear recursive equations. One goes on putting the numbers into predefined set of equation until you get your recursive structure that you want. Take for example; you could draw a fern which resembles itself as you go looking in to it.
Take a look at the following equations which generate a fern Untitled
xn+1 = 0
yn+1 = 0.16yn 1%
xn+1 = 0.2xn - 0.26yn
yn+1 = 0.23xn + 0.22yn + 1.6
xn+1 = -0.15xn + 0.28yn
yn+1 = 0.26xn + 0.24yn + 0.44
xn+1 = 0.85xn + 0.04yn
yn+1 = -0.04xn + 0.85yn + 1.6 85
Amazing right!! Just the simple equations generate such a complex structure. Most of the programming languages which provide GUI (Graphical User Interface) toolkit like Java, C# etc., will allow you to create Fractal by just simple code.
If you don’t know coding in any of the high level programming languages even then you could create your own fractals by using software which wants you to learn very basic and simple constructs and rest is taken care by itself.
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