Why to have an external keyboard and mouse to a laptop?

Most of the laptop user feels difficult in using the built-in mouse initially. Later they get acquainted to that them and use them properly. It is a better option of using an external keyboard and mouse for your laptop than the built in. The reason is, after using the keyboard for a year, scratches fall on the letters of the keyboard and also the letter on them is wiped out slowly. This hampers the appearance of the laptop. Controlling of mouse is easy when you use an external mouse because there are difficulties in dragging and clicking the built-in mouse.

It is important to know what kind of mouse is supported by your laptop. Here is the way for determining it. There are two types of ports for inserting a mouse. IF the port is a round one, then your laptop requires a PS/2 mouse. But most of the new laptops that are available in the market are having USB port. Remember, USB port mouse can be converted into a PS/2 mouse by just adding a small piece at the end and vice versa. Since, these two don’t cost you high amounts, it is better to buy them and use instead of built-in keyboard and mouse.